I got this idea to try to make a maternity dress for my sister-in-law, we were going to do maternity pictures in just a few days so I didn’t have time to order the ones I would have liked. I am a DIYer so I thought I’d give it a shot. We spent all afternoon on Thursday measuring, cutting and sewing. It turned out pretty good and we were excited to do pics on Monday when the kids were all at school. Friday morning rolls around and in the chaos of getting kids ready for school I get a call from my sister-in-law. Her water had broken and she was on her way to the hospital! (
You can see the beautiful video I made of the birth here.)
Alas, no maternity photos for her. In the meantime, I had been planning a playdate with another photographer for these maternity photos so of course we had to find another willing model asap! So a quick message to Sara and she was in! I am in LOVE with how these photos from this session turned out. I am so glad I have this dress now available for use for any of my clients.