Studio Remodeling

My studio.  Here it is.  The one my {awesome} hubby bought for me!  Seriously, I am so blessed to have the love and support that I do.   I am also extremely blessed and thankful for all of my clients! Some of you may remember it as the old hardware store, game room, or more recently, the bistro.  We had a lot of cleaning to do….

So, back in September, we started cleaning it out and removing the bar and cooking area.



boxing up about 4000 books to donate….


and doing a little painting….


Cleaning up and hanging a few curtains to make it useable, for now (in September)…..


Sorry, all of the previous photos were taken by my phone, because I didn’t think about taking pictures ahead of time!

Here is our progress as of the last couple months…

 A sitting area.  Previously, depending on the session I had planned, I would move it to different spaces because this area and the bathroom were not useable.  There is the fully finished bathroom that I just adore as well, hiding in the back corner.


Scored the old couches at an auction, but that is for another post 😉


No more hiding behind a backdrop to change your clothes….


and my newest love….my desk…refinished by Heidi at Lily Field Furniture.  I have some grand ideas for her expertise 😉


And finally, this weekend we decided to tear into the wall at the top of the stairs.  I was getting tired of looking at that old yellow painted paneling and I didn’t want to just paint it again since I knew there was brick back there, wink wink 🙂IMG_2402

We have a lot more planned but it will take several years to complete I’m sure.  Thanks for being patient while we are under construction!

Keep checking back for more updates!